Hur många gånger har din mekaniker rekommenderat dig bränsleinsprutningsrengörare? Jag slår vad om att detta händer mycket och du kanske undrar om rengöringsmedel för bränslesystem är "ormolja". Fungerar injektorrengöring verkligen? Idag finner vi försöka ta reda på det.
Injektorrengöringsmedel är i grunden lösningsmedel som hjälper till att rensa ut bränslebanorna. Dessa flaskor med rengöringsmedel för bränslesystem hälls i bränsletanken. De börjar arbeta med att rengöra hela bränslesystemet genom att lösa upp gummit och andra rester som samlats i bränsleledningarna. Även om bränslefiltret hindrar skräp från att komma in i bränsleinsprutningssystemet, passerar ofta små partiklar och gummiaktiga rester igenom. Ta reda på vad som är symptomen på ett dåligt bränslefilter.
Bränsleinsprutningsrengörare är brännbara lösningsmedel, därför bränns de av i motorn medan den är igång.
Tre av de vanligaste ingredienserna i bränsleinjektorrenaren är polyeteramin, polyisobutylen och polyisobutylenamin. Låt oss förstå varför de läggs till.
Polyeteramin: Polyeteramin används för både bensin- och dieselapplikationer. Det sägs minska feltändning och knackningar från motorn. Det är också effektivt för att ta bort överflödig fukt från bränsleledningen. Denna kemikalie hjälper verkligen när det finns gammal gas i bränsletanken som bara blockerar bränsleledningen och inte brinner.
Polyisobutylen: Liksom polyeteraminen har polyisobutylen också liknande rengöringsegenskaper. Faktum är att båda på dem är ganska nära i kemisk sammansättning. De flesta injektorrengöringsföretag märker det som "PIB" på sina produkter.
Polyeteramin (PEA): PEA tillsätts i injektorrengöringarna så att det kan lösa fasta avlagringar i bränsleledningarna. Fasta avlagringar kan täppa till bränslesystemet och detta minskar bilens körbarhet. Minskad bränsletillförsel skulle också kunna öka chanserna att knacka. Detta är en mycket starkare kemikalie än de två föregående, därför kan det orsaka problem att lägga till för mycket av det.
Medan rengöringsmedel för bränsleinjektorer har funnits på marknaden i decennier, kunde vi inte hitta någon publicerad studie av ett vetenskapligt forskningsinstitut. Det är dock säkert att säga att bränslesystemrenaren faktiskt fungerar. Men bara om det används på rätt sätt.
Om avlagringarna ansamlas för mycket så är det säkert, vanliga insprutningsrengöringsmedel för injektorer kommer inte att vara effektiva. That’s because there are many laws and regulations that don’t allow companies to retail harsh chemicals openly.
In case of severe depositing and injector clogging, the injector cleaning machine is most effective. This requires injectors to be removed from the car and cleaned using pressurized cleaning chemical. This machine is used to clean severe clogging of injectors (video):
Carbon collecting at the intake valves
Fuel companies say that they already add additives that prevent carbon buildup. But the truth is that carbon buildup is a real problem that requires using fuel injector cleaners.
The back of the intake valve can collect a layer of carbon. This can reduce the velocity of fuel mixture and also prevent the valve to seal properly.
Apart from this, there are other areas that are prone to carbon buildup as well. This includes piston head, intake manifold and cylinder head. Fuel injector cleaner is the best solution to clean this carbon deposit. You can expect to see a better running engine after using an injector cleaner.
However, excess carbon buildup on the valves can only be cleaned by opening up the engine. If you are having a hesitant engine, then it’s worth trying out a good injector cleaner.
Reduced acceleration and fuel efficiency
The modern fuel injectors run on close tolerances through which pressurized fuel is pushed. For proper functioning, the injectors need to deliver an atomized mist of fuel when asked for. The clogging of the fine channels inside the injectors can disrupt its functioning.
When the spray pattern and pressure is not what is required, the car might start running rough. This also reduced fuel efficiency as the fuel droplets in the mist is not properly atomized. Fuel injector cleaner works well to solve this issue.
There are so many fuel injectors in the market today that it’s always recommended to read the directions first. If the concentration of fuel injector is too high for the amount of gas, then it might cause some damage.
Step 1) Pick a Fuel Injector Cleaner of your choice. There is an end number of fuel injector cleaners in the market. Go with a trusted brand at it should work out well for you. Our favorite ones are mentioned here.
Generally, a full bottle of the fuel injector is good for about 50-liter (13 gallons) of fuel. Your car’s fuel tank capacity can range between 35 to 70 liters (9.2 gallons to 20 gallons). Note the tank capacity of your vehicle from the owner’s manual.
Step 2) So how should you use it? It’s best to use fuel injector cleaner right before topping up your fuel tank . On your next visit to the gas station, pour out a bottle of injector cleaner into the gas tank first and then top up with fuel. Read instructions on the bottle of injector cleaner to know how much fuel you should add. When you add fuel, the injector cleaner will mix properly.
Now drive the vehicle normally. Remember:Let the fuel tank get near empty/in reserve before filling up again (Don’t dilute the mixture).
Det är allt. Your first cycle of injector cleaning will be complete after burning off this fuel mixture. Most of the time this is enough to notice some performance improvements but you can go another cycle if you’re not satisfied.
It’s often recommended to use a fuel injector cleaner every 10,000 km. However, if you suspect that the fuel quality in your area is not great then every 5,000 km will be a good choice.
But again, with so many injector cleaners with varying strengths, it’s best to refer to what the product manufacturer suggests. Know if you should use Octane Boosters
If you are confused about what’s the right fuel system cleaner for your car then here are our favourite products:
This is Amazon USA’s best selling fuel system cleaner for gasoline engines
This injector cleaner is compatible for all gasoline engines. Liqui moly injector cleaner has been tested to be safe for catalytic converters and turbochargers. This 300ml bottle is good for 70-litre of gas tank.
Here’s what the manufacturer claims:“Removes deposits on injection valves, intake valves, spark plugs and in the combustion chamber and prevents them from reforming. Eliminates start problems and rough engine running. Cares for all components in the gasoline injection system. Protects the entire fuel system from corrosion. Improves the throttle response and compression. Optimizes the emission test values and performance of the engine. Clean engines need less fuel and reduce emissions.” Check price on Amazon- here
Manufacturer says:“STP Super Concentrated Fuel Injector Cleaner contains concentrated detergents that help dissolve and remove harmful carbon, gum, and varnish deposits on fuel injectors. Without cleaning, deposits can lead to hard starts, lost acceleration and rough idling. This product is made with jet fuel, a high-quality carrier of active ingredients.”
It comes in 354ml bottle that’s good for 65 litres of fuel. Check price on Amazon- here
Developed especially for the Diesel Trucks, this Liqui Moly Diesel fuel system cleaner is trusted product. It promises good cleaning properties that maintain the performance of your diesel truck. It removes deposits from injector nozzles and from the combustion chamber.
It’s safe for EGR valve and DPF systems on the exhaust. Since all newer trucks are fitted with DPF exhaust systems, we need to pick a product that’s safe for it.
Manufacturer says:“It reduces wear of fuel pump, extends life of the equipment. Improves engine performance and emissions control. Prevents rust and contamination in fuel tank, pipes and injection system. Improves the economy.”
This product is tested to be safe for turbo cars. One bottle is sufficient for 75-litre of fuel. Check price on Amazon- here
This product claims to stops Diesel Engine Hesitation, helps Remove Water from Diesel Fuel Tank, and Improve Mileage by dissolves gum and deposits. Check its price on Amazon- Here
I hope now you have your questions regarding injector cleaners answered. If you have any other question, let us know in the comments section.
Watch this video to learn more about fuel injector cleaners and other additives:
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